Evolution of BrandNexity
BrandNexity is new in name only. We were in the eCommerce B2B space for more than 20 years. In our previous company, we were pioneers in equestrian eCommerce, known for our long-tail JIT models and marketplace expertise. We are very proud of our achievements and excited about our new focus – providing eCommerce consulting and services to Manufacturers and Distributors entering into the D2C (Direct to Customer) eCommerce market.
eCommerce Sites & Birth of MarketPlaces
Equestrian Collections and HorseLoverZ were the first long tail, JIT eCommerce sites in the Equestrian industry. We started on our paths as separate companies and each eventually featured the entire collections of over 400 Brands. We started as sellers on Z-Shops and eBay right at the very start and have continued our expertise in marketplaces since then, selling $Millions along the way.
2001- 2015
Growth in eCommerce
We developed and honed our skill sets in eCommerce including faceted search, Vendor Inventory Feeds, SEO, Content writing, automated pricing, Analytics, Custom warehouse solutions, Adwords, product data management, structured data, digital marketing, social marketing.
2011- 2015
Increased Sales Channels
Amazon, eBay, JET and other primary market place management, Google PLAs & Adwords Management, Pop-Up Stores at large events, Split Sale Liquidation management, Growth of Affiliate Sales on 3 platforms.
Starpoints Consulting
Starpoints was created to provide eCommerce consulting services - SEO, Content creation, Data Production and Optimization, Social Media, Digital Marketing, WordPress. During this period it became evident that Distributors and Manufacturers were moving towards Direct to Customer models. We were being approached to provide consulting to these companies as they started to think about implementing D2C sales on their own websites or on marketplaces like Amazon.
2015 -2017
Merger & Growth
Equestrian Collections was purchased by industry leader, Choice Brands Group and was then merged and run on one multi-site platform with HorseloverZ.com. Product Data moved to a PIM, Review transferred to Shopper Approved, Installation and management of Domo BI, Affiliate Consolidation to PepperJam
BrandNexity was born to better reflect the necessity for Manufacturers and Distributors to take control of their brands across all their sales channels. In order to provide deeper expertise in marketplaces, Amazon, logistics and data management, the founder of Equestrian Collections and her Starpoints team joined with the former CIO of Choice Brands Group to form the BrandNexity Consulting company.